So...Nick was probably going to be mad.
But she did not know what to do! The man, the ministry official, he had knocked on the door and she'd answered it--fine, that was what happened when someone came to your house. But then he started asking for Nicholas, and when she told him he was not home, he did not believe her. So---so now he was in their living room, and---he was just standing there, right now, but Madeline did not know if he was doing some sort of magic or if he was...if he was...she did not know. All she knew was that she had taken up post in the doorway that led down to the nursery, where the babini were still sleeping. Thankfully.
"I have told you, he is not home," Madeleine said with an exhausted sigh, pacing in front of the hallway. The official scoffed and stood with his hands behind his back. She did not know if Nick had done something wrong or was in trouble or--he had not said there would be someone coming and---"I will tell him you came, I will take down a message--"
"That will not be necessary," he snapped, turning toward her with a fierce glare. Madeline's shoulders squared and she crossed her arms over her chest.
"No! You need to--go, I am not comfortable with this when my husband is not home--"
"Well, that's too bloody bad, muggle!"
"What is--muggle?"
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