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catchlove ;; stefana ([info]stefana) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-09-02 16:18:00

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Entry tags:elliot alderton

Stefana frowned as she put down the latest edition of the Prophet.  She really wasn't sure why she still read that drivel; they had denounced her cousin and made up all sorts of inane lies, as well as spread the M.A.G.I.C. Act.  It was times like these that made Stefana glad that she worked in the Muggle world, at least that world wasn't descriminating in terms of her blood (at the this point and time).  Her shift had recently ended and she had stopped to read at her favorite park bench. 

She got up and stretched, stuffing the paper into her bag.  Pushing her gold wire-rimmed glasses up the bridge of her nose (her Kirby glasses had not come in yet, aw!), she turned to her right and started to walk briskly.  An intern at the BBC had to learn to walk fast, her ability for extreme powerwalking made her wonder sometimes what had happened if she had chosen to be a Healer instead.  She bet that she could have made a great Healer; Healers were always running around, and Stefana had gotten that down.  Except, you kind of needed the specific grades and the aptitude, and Stefana had none. 

Making her way through the somewhat busy street, she expertly wove a path through, while making plans for tonight.  She could always unthaw the frozen roast chicken in her freezer, or make a sandwich.  Oooh, with that new roast beef slices she had bought... 

Okay, so the girl didn't really have a lot going on in her life.  That did not mean that she was boring, okay?  She just like to... plan everything out, that didn't mean she was boring.  In fact, she was the antithesis of boring, she was -

Whatever she was, that description would have to wait, because in the middle of planning desert, a startled Stefana found herself falling to the floor, thanks to a jostle by a very busy-looking Muggle businessman.  "Thanks for helping me up!" she yelled sarcastically to his retreating, blurry back, because her glasses had been knocked askew, oh where...  Her fingertips touched the wire rims at the same moment another person's.  Hey, she knew that arm!

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2008-09-03 07:31 am UTC (link)
Elliot had a list of things to do today.

First, he was going to kill Dedalus Diggle.

That might have to wait a bit, actually, because he couldn't just kill a bloke without there being all the hassle of not getting caught and incriminating himself, but, since Eliza arrived at his flat looking so upset and---yes, murdering her boyfriend was on the forefront of his mind.

Second, he needed to find Liam a sitter. This was proving harder to do, as for some reason, he couldn't fathom what, all of the magical sitters he knew were now doubling, sometimes tripling their rates for halfblooded children. Right. Elliot had quite the row with his the teacher at Liam's old day care, and even if they dropped the rates he...probably would not be allowed to leave his son there.

Third---third he was rushing through the muggle streets of London because his boss was an absolute nutcase and only ate blueberry muffins from this one bakery, and it was so far away and he had a craving. And, he seemed to like picking on Elliot lately (or, for the past five years) and had sent him on the mission.

So---killing little sister's boyfriend, find someplace to drop his kid, fetching blueberry muffins.

Oh--four, helping this woman up off the street.

"Sorry," Elliot muttered, pulling his hand away quickly. But, when he stood he put his hand out again to help her to her feet, "Oh! Stefana, hi--what are you doing on the floor?"

It wasn't every day that you saw one of your exes sprawled on the ground in the middle of a busy muggle street.

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2008-09-03 07:47 am UTC (link)
Stefana squinted up at the man standing before her, just to make sure that he was the man she thought he was. It was terribly embarrassing to exclaim, "OH hiii Elliot!" when it turned out it wasn't Elliot and in fact some other nice man. She had done that a bit more times to complete strangers than she cared to think. What could she say, it seemed like Stefana and embarrassing situations went hand-in-hand.

She took her glasses, thankfully still intact, and took Elliot's extended hand while scooping up her bag. She was helped to her feet, and she brushed herself off, giving him a bright, grateful smile. "Thanks! Some not-very-nice man knocked me down, without even bothering to help me up. Talk about manners and courtesy, hmmm?"

She took in his somewhat harried appearance, and cocked her head slightly. "What are you up to? Running around for that mean little man you work for again?"

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2008-09-03 10:59 pm UTC (link)
Elliot rolled his eyes; people were so rude, these days. And he couldn't even blame it on the M.A.G.I.C. Act, this was some nasty old muggle that was knocking women down to the ground and just leaving them to get trampled on. He really hated people.

"That's ridiculous," he said with a shake of his head, brushing some dirt off of Stefana's sleeve. He really didn't know how he would respond if someone did that to him--probably nothing at all, but it would bother him all day and put him in a wretched mood. Not that he normally wasn't in a wretched mood outside of the office, but.

Elliot looked down at his watch with a sigh, "Yeah, he needs his muffin." Looking back up to Stefana, he smirked greatly in annoyance, "But he should be in a meeting for another twenty minutes, I should be okay. Where are you heading?"

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