Her lips were kept pressed together as she smiled, trying to hold back her laughter and keep some sort of dignity. She just knew he was enjoying this, and didn't pause for a second to push his head back down so that she could actually look at the bump.
"Oy, you've got a unicorn horn coming out of here," she said with a tsk, moving his hair around a bit. Oh, Merlin, she was touching his hair---not a big deal, Agatha, geez! It was just hair. It was just really nice--hair.
Clearing her throat and straightening her shoulders, Agatha pulled out her wand and used the...she forgot what it was called. She knew what it did (got rid of the swelling and all that--she'd banged her forehead under her desk when trying to get her dog once and Smeth had jumped at the chance to heal her), and hopefully she didn't make another head spurt out.
"Is that better?"
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