It was so much more boring being the wife of an Azkaban detainee than Juliana ever would have thought. When she wasn't at work, she spent most of her time doing nothing but lounging around the empty house or her parents' place, just--wiling away the time. In a sick sense, she almost missed Orpheus, if only because he gave her a preoccupation, someone to spend her time thinking of new ways to bother. Then again, Orpheus was practically insane, and if he had been around, she probably would have been laying dead in a ditch somewhere by now, so it wasn't that much of a regret. She rather liked being alive, thank you very much, even if her current situation didn't rouse up any warm feelings of c'est la vie! to be mentioned.
Lounging back on her old bed, she stared at the ceiling and pursed her lips at the thought. This certainly hadn't been in her plans at all, and although the timing was utterly convenient, Juliana did by no means wish to be a mother. Not by her disgrace of a husband, not by any random man, and certainly not by her cousin. It was fortunate that she had a very tight lip when she set her mind to it, because if anyone were to find out the rather unsavory details of her relationship with Christopher Loftus apart from either of the two, she was certain that she would be disowned straightaway. Not that the whole of pureblooded society weren't a bunch of inbreeding sons of bitches, but she wasn't married to her inbreeding son of a bitch. That was a terrible no-no, as far as their twisted protocol went.
Then again, as her own personal protocol went, having a child with her husband was even worse. But that was what she would have everyone believe--apart from her siblings, who would of course never know the real truth either way--in an effort to keep her good name.
A nail file in her hand, she worked at her long nails blindly, idly, and yawned a little. This was all so terribly boring. She had been hoping that there would be some excitement at home--at least Grayson beheading a house elf or her mother sharing ridiculous gossip with some friends that she could listen in on--but alas, her journey elicited nothing. She would have almost done better to go home and finish her task of destroying each and every Travers family heirloom that she could find.
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