"Always," he murmered against her shoulder, planting a soft kiss on the spot between her neck and shoulder. He took another breath before he lifted his head, looking at her squarely in the eye. His arms were still around her, and he squeezed her gently against him, "What else is new?" he added with something of a wry grin. Nothing about this was funny, of course. She was pregnant, it wasn't his, that pretty much sucked. But he'd decided to overlook that, right? He just had to stay firm to that and not chicken out or anything. But this seemed like a pretty damn good start, even if they hadn't exactly talked about things at all just yet.
But she hadn't punched him. That meant that something good would probably come of this, or at least he hoped so. He rubbed her back gently, and knocked the door shut behind him with the heel of his boot. Tadhg maintained eye contact with her and spoke, "You're nothing to that git, Sands, but you're still everything to me. I don't care if you're pregnant, I can --" he hesitated just slightly, "I can be okay with that. We'll make it work. It won't be easy, but if you're willing to make the extra effort, so am I."
He didn't waste any time, as per usual. He'd just gotten in the door and he was already dumping his heavier ideas on her. "You and me, we've always had something. I'm not alright with giving that up, are you?" It was a yes or no question. Yup, Tadhg made things pretty damn simple, or at least he liked to think so.
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