He took her face gently in his hands, rubbing her cheek softly with the pad of his thumb. "Molly," he begged softly, closely inspecting her eyes. She wasn't going to budge on this one, no way in hell.
He sighed. "Alright, alright. I'll let Bilius know that we're making a change of plans." He paused, wondering if he should still tell his co-workers that, just in case...you know, so they go to the wrong place or something or--no, that would be stupid. "But I'm not going to be okay with this unless we add extra security to the house. More wards, more everything. And...and no letting anyone in the house unless they can answer a question only they would know." That would work--especially against anyone who was under a hex or spell of some sort.
"And promise me that you won't let the boys out unless you're with them? So--so if they want out, and you can't or you don't want to or--whatever, just owl me or floo me or--or tell them to wait." She probably did that one already, but Arthur was oblivious.
It was then that Percy came running into the room sobbing. Oh, dear. One of the boys had done something, hadn't they? He pulled at the middle of Arthur's robes, whining frantically as he did so until Arthur scooped him up onto his lap.
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