Oh, dear.
Molly felt her bottom lip begin to quiver and she really did hate Arthur at the moment, not being able to control his emotions in front of a highly hormonal woman. No! No of course she didn't hate Arthur, she could barely think that for a moment, but she did not appreciate the way he was going about things.
"Arthur--" she wibbled, pulling away slightly to put her hands up, "you can't just--assume that--" Of course her thoughts had gone to Fabian and Gideon, how knowing them would be more of a risk to their family than Arthur simply working in Muggle Relations, but she refused to think about that right now, "We can't live like this, not--I am not going to leave my home."
Molly's face turned stern, even if she was still weepy (a pregnant woman really could not help that). "We're not going to hide."
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