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я j ℓ ([info]mistermoony) wrote in [info]valesco,
"No," Remus supplied gently as he placed a cup of fresh tea on the table next to Fabian's hand. He had seen him before (while hiding himself away in the kitchen) just tapping away at the old cup innocently. Or new, Remus honestly didn't know. But what he did know was that making new tea did distract him for a few minutes, and everyone always needed new tea whether they actually wanted to drink it or not.

"We're still waiting for Frank and Alice to return," he sighed, easing himself into the chair while motioning to Fabian that the tea was for him. It was funny, Remus wasn't feeling as horrible right now as he had been expecting he would be. Yes, the news of Marlie's death had been--- he was upset. But not the chest wrenching pain he had felt before with other instances like this. He felt quite numb, actually, which might have scarred him if he didn't feel so blank.

Maybe the thought that the only family was just gone hadn't truely sunk in yet; he severely hoped that was only it.

"Who knows when they'll get back."

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