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JAMES randall POTTER ([info]misterprongs) wrote in [info]valesco,
There was something inside of James that was bashing around, flailing madly and trying to escape; a monster in his chest that needed to execute its emotion or it would surely destroy him. He wasn't normally one to keep his feeling bottled up, or force himself to hold it together and not react, but the complete sense of loss that James felt was overwhelming his need to get up and fight.

He had been watching Lily move back and forth, his eyes were just dull and bored because he knew nothing could be done. The aurors had the entire house sealed; so unless they found evidence leading back to Travers, there was literally nothing else to be done.

Marlie was dead, and that was it.

James looked down at their hands as Lily grasped his and he did squeeze it back. The last time he'd experienced a loss like this it had been his mother, someone who had been sick for a long time, who James had imagined having to deal with dying many times before it actually happened. Marlie was---she was the first girl he managed to date for over six months, she was the first one he had said he loved, she was his first love, his first--time, and she was someone who nearly knew him better than himself. So--no, he hadn't imagined her death, if anything, James had pictured himself dying before she did, Marlie was---Marlie.

"I want to kill him," he muttered lowly, surprising himself at how easily the words slipped out. James had been angry before, viciously so, but right at that moment he was positive that he could hurl the killing curse at Travers, that he would use the same dark magic that had killed Marlie against her murderer. He found nothing wrong with that, and his eyes flicked up to catch Lily's, a heated look of determination on his face.

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