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Peter Pettigrew ([info]misterwormtail) wrote in [info]valesco,
Peter Pettigrew knew for a fact that he was hardly tough. He didn’t have a thick skin like James, Sirius, or Remus, and he had a habit of letting things get to him. He broke under pressure, he didn’t stand up for himself, and when things got bad? He cried.

For something like this, he shouldn’t have been ashamed of showing his emotions, of being upset about the horrible occurrences that had happened just the other night. Sure, him and Marlie weren’t best friends or anything, but she had been nice to him. When she had been with James, she had always talked to him, even though he hadn’t ever been able to have a true conversation with her, due to his nervousness around anyone who was female. They had said hello, and briefly mentioned how their day had been, and once he could actually form a sentence around her, they had become pretty friendly. He saw her at the Order house a lot, and would say hi, and smile, and…he just liked her. He liked her as a person, she was sweet, and adorable, and…she was a likable person.

Raising his hand, he rubbed his eyes with his palms, sniffling quietly as he sat in the bathroom. He had just walked out of the living room without saying a word, and had locked himself in there for quite some time. Well, actually he hadn’t locked the door, because he had forgotten to. So, he just sat on top of the toilet, trying to not look so pathetic before he went out to face the Order house again. Unfortunately, someone had come to him before he had the chance. He dropped his hands down quickly as he heard someone turn the knob and rose to his feet quickly to turn his back on the door, frantically drying his eyes. “You n-need to get in here?”

He didn’t even know who he was talking to, but he just hoped his voice wasn’t as raspy as he thought it was.

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