Entry tags: | alecto carrow, anneliese jugson, caradoc dearborn, christopher loftus, deidra mckinnon, emmeline vance, juliana travers, juliet nott, mackenzie goldstein, rhys nott, sebastian goldstein, vivica sloan, william jugson |
Anneliese Jugson.
Even after she had time to officially get use to her new name, it still made her skin tingle. Anneliese Jugson, Anneliese Jugson--- she was finally married now. There was nothing else in the world that she could possibly focus on, or even think about, beside that this was her perfect wedding and she was now, officially, married to the most wonderful man in the world. Nothing could possibly even begin to bother her, because everything was perfect. Everything from the cake all the way down to their little green favors-- she wouldn't have changed one thing. Their guests were allowed to bring home everything, placeholders, centerpieces-- anything. Of course, that was to happen after she had stated it was alright to do so, and had one of her own to keep, but even then if they went home with nothing it wouldn't bother her that much.
Anneliese sighed happily as she sat, almost in a daze. Her dress still fit beautifully, and now she finally understood why brides were so adamant about no one else wearing white to a wedding; she felt nearly divine at this point.
Oh, she really did love weddings.
No, she really did love her wedding.
And Will, she loved him too.
Blinking herself out of her own haze, Anneliese slowly turned her head to face Will. "I love you," she cooed lowly, fingers reaching to lace with his. She really, honestly did. Anyone that could put up with her hysterical self like he did just days before the wedding most definitely deserved that, at the very least. Anneliese leaned forward to gently press her lips onto his for a few seconds before pulling back to smile.
[OOC] Just so everyone can start a bit earlier! Still meant to occur Saturday night :]
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