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C H A R L O T T E [ vance ] ([info]charlottes) wrote in [info]valesco,
She blinked as she watched Iris disappear into the house, unable to speak out to stop her for the sheer surprise. Now would have been the best time to run away as she was going to find, except why did Charlotte feel guilty at that notion? It wasn't like she knew who she was, but then what happened when Iris eventually did find out? Charlotte would be Dad's girlfriend, the one who was rude and strange and ran away---but then she felt guilty at the thought of going in, because she wanted to respect Corner's wishes to have his daughter not know about her.

This was a bloody disaster.

Oy, okay so. Taking a deep breath, she ran a hand through her hair and hesitated before stepping one foot past the threshold and closing the door behind her. The best option (of some very bad ones) was going to be to go inside and be as un-rude as possible without revealing who she really was... and then hope to god her boyfriend didn't come home before she left.

Oy. Oy oy oy, how did she get herself into situations like this? Charlotte cursed herself as she followed Iris into the kitchen.

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