Tim entered the living room, an amused smirk immediately crossing his face at the sight of Super Bunny in the bowl. He sat on the edge of the coffee table instead of making Adamina move to make room. He really did have the mentality that a pregnant woman should be able to do whatever she wanted, mostly within reason. His wife's requests hadn't been outlandish at all, so maybe
that was why Tim was so willing to go along with them, but who knew what the next five months had in store.
Wow--five months. By December, late December, they would have their little girl. Oops, their
baby, had to make sure he said it like that or else things could get messy. But,
yeah, wow! They'd have been married a year by then, and already starting their family. Tim really had gotten past the 'too young' thing long ago--Tim had known almost immediately that he'd have Adamina in his life forever and--as much as he didn't like to think about it, they
were in the midst of a war. God forbid anything happened to their family, but Tim was naturally a pessimist and couldn't help but think what
So--that was why he spent his time shopping for silly baby things.
"I picked up some
stuff," he said with a smile, holding up the rather large boutique bag. Tim had definitely sucked up his manliness to enter a
boutique, but he had found looking at the baby items was really not that hard to do. Plus, the sales women were rather nice, and had sympathized with him about his situation about knowing the sex. At least he knew someone would.
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