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timothy g. greengrass ([info]greengrasses) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-07-18 19:31:00

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Mina + Baby!
See--this whole 'knowing the sex of the baby thing while your significant other didn't' thing was not the best of situations to be in. Tim had been able to leave his latest work site (a new robe shop in Diagon) and on a whim, had ducked into a children's store he'd stumbled across. Or, well--Gleny had informed him of it, telling him that he simply must buy Adamina something from the place. Which was something Tim definitely didn't mind doing, it was just hard when it came to baby stuff.

What if he bought something that had a hint of blue? Would that make her think he knew/thought the baby was a boy and then she started buying blue things on Tim's 'hunch'? And then when their daughter was born, they'd have a house full of blue things and everyone would say 'oh, what a cute little boy!' and they'd have to say 'oh, no, it's a girl!' and people would say 'but she's in blue?' 'Well, yes, blue is her favorite color!'

No, no, that would drive Tim absolutely mad with guilt. But he didn't exactly have the money to spend on a diamond something that would sooth his wife over when he finally told her that he'd peeked at the healer's documents. That simply could not be helped, how could he have resisted? Maybe his wife was just a better person than he.

Tim dropped his bag onto the kitchen table as he popped into their house, and poked his head out, "Mina?"

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