Mackenzie sighed, and readjusted the large book in her arms to a more comfortable position while waiting for Evan to come to the door. She hardly doubted that this photo-album would help 'distract' him from whatever was on his mind, but she had just recently found it while digging for old potion's notes, so, volia. That, plus she had really been pressed for time to come up with something to bring over. There were some funny pictures in there, at the least, so maybe Evan would cheer up from all the stupid stuff they use to do.
Though honestly, sometimes, Mackenzie really worried about him. And not just the in regular way of worry that she felt for the rest of their friends (because yes, they definitely needed it). But in a serious concern sort of way, because, well, it was Evan. He always seemed upset, mad, moody or angry, and she was fairly certain in that the whole time she had known him, she had rarely seen him happy. That wasn't something normal people accomplished, was it? Sebastian had so nicely pointed that out to her a few times.
But maybe everything would be fine. She certainly believed so; this was probably nothing. After a few more moments of waiting, the door finally opened and Mackenzie put on a small smile. "I bought photos," she stated warmly, holding the book up for Evan to see.
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