"I'm sorry, too," she let out in a weepy tone, sniffling greatly. "It was--immature and---and not nice and--"
Erin let out a great breath, pulling back slightly but not out of his grasp. God, it was exhausting going from furious to depressed to overjoyed to guilty to...to...she had no idea what she was feeling now. Loved, for sure, the fact that he'd come for her right away and was holding her so tight. Erin could just feel that he had missed her just as much as she'd missed him, and it was a good feeling, it was just--would it last?
They'd done this before, they'd had their fights over quidditch all throughout Hogwarts and his time spent focusing on it and--Erin understood that it was his job, it was his love for the game, but other people had lives outside of the sport, right? Right! Joy! Joy and Finn went on dates during the season, he paid attention to her, they had a baby and still managed--not that--well, she had thought about having kids with Rafe, but not---that he actually--
"I'm sorry, I just--I don't want to lose you again and I didn't know what else to do and...sorry," she said with a deep sigh, looking down between them. Her foot nudged his in some sort of apology. Her sisters were going to tear the mickey out of her for that bloody entry, oy.
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