Who: Momo and D :]
Where: The Leaky, duhhhh
When: Monday morning
What: Sibling love, what else?
Moses sat at the bar of the Leaky, drinking a cup of coffee and thinking about the events of the past few weeks. He was back home for a while, something he sorely enjoyed. It was frustrating to be off the case in Mexico, there was no doubt, but he was secretly tickled pink about all the newly found free time to spend with his siblings and with Harmony. There was lots of extra free time with her--Merlin, he loved that. There'd been a brief period of time where he thought things between them would die down, fizzle out, all because of his line of work. But they'd made it through it. And now--well, he had plenty of time at home now, didn't he? He made a mental note to send something to Harmony later in the day and to take her to dinner later on in the week.
He feebly scratched at his knee, wincing a bit at the pain from it. He'd got caught up in a nasty trap and the healers still weren't too sure what to do about it. He could use his leg just fine, no problem, but it bloody hurt when he walked on it and you could still see the black charring on it--at least, if he wore short legged trousers you could. There was no point in showing off the battle scar around mum and Miranda; the two of them would worry sick if they knew just how bad it was. He smiled a bit when he heard a familiar trampling down the stairs. She'd never learned to properly walk down stairs, in a quiet and normal fashion had she?
"I've said it before, Mir, but if you continue to fly down the stairs like that all the guests will think we've got a cockatrice loose," he said with a smirk before taking another large gulp of coffee.
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