She didn't even notice Moses sitting on the steps until she was eye-to-eye with him, and that elicited another shriek, and that made her turn around only to see that Maddox was hot on her trail and oh my God, it was like they were born to drive her crazy!
"I---! You! ARGH!" she let out in frustration, throwing her back against the wall of the stairwell, glad that this one didn't have handrails because that would have hurt. "Fine, okay? I'll---"
Miranda knew she couldn't tell them what was really going on, but she had to give her brothers enough details to get them off her back. Which...would probably be every detail EVER but she had to try.
"I'm not pregnant, first off, let me just clarify that," she said as obnoxiously as possible, sending a pointed look toward both Maddox and Moses, "Secondly, to catch up Maddox, I am not accepting the invitation from the Arrows because of personal reasons. Yes they have to do with Ralph, no it does not involve a baby or an engagement or a marriage."
She looked back and forth her brothers again, trying to see if they were keeping track, "You two are just going to have to trust me when I say it is for the best, and that things will be fine, but it's my decision and I am keeping to it."
Miranda wiggled in place for a moment, arms crossed tightly. Quickly, she stamped her foot down, "So there."
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