He looked from her eyes down to her lips as they twisted into a smile, but only managed a light smirk of his own pushing some hair back from her face again as she changed the subject so drastically. He knew that it was probably just the first thought that had popped into her head, and she wanted to get her mind off of what she had been crying about, but it was still rather random.
“It happens…” he replied with a shrug, wiping underneath her eyes once more. He wasn’t about to focus on what was going on with his complexion when she was this upset, but he also didn’t want to keep talking about what had happened while he was away while she was so upset. “You have to be exhausted…it’s been a long week for you.” It was his subtle hint at telling her to get some sleep. Between all of her crying and the emotional stress she had been under, it was a wonder to him how she was still conscious.
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