At Liz's first reaction, Lily had to admit that she was worried. But then again, it had always been like Liz to speak her mind right off the bat, and ten seconds later she was---shit, she was crying, and Lily's heart wrenched a little. She wasn't blind to what she was doing, of course. Just because she didn't have anyone outside of the Order before now that was there to care about and be worried for her, she did have an imagination, and she knew if the positions were switched she'd probably be shaking Liz and telling her to quit right away. And she really hoped that Liz wasn't crying because of that, but Lily figured she probably was, at least a little and that killed her. It killed her even when James worried--which was very easily covered up in annoyance--and he was in the same sort of dangers she was, so now that it was someone who hadn't been involved at all, shouldn't have been involved--
"Hey, don't---come on, Liz," she sighed, pulling the other woman into her arms and squeezing her into a tight hug. It was such a weird feeling, because despite how upsetting it was to see her best friend cry over it, Lily felt so good to have finally been able to tell her about this. It was so bloody hard hiding everything from the person that she normally told everything. Now she knew she still couldn't reveal every little detail or else she'd just be putting Liz (and Katie and Ian, Jesus) into more danger than she already was, but she didn't have to hide it from her and that was wonderful to experience again. She could be honest with her best friend for the first time in over a year.
She ran her hand across Liz's back a few times, but didn't let go--she didn't want to--and spoke into her shoulder. "I'll be able to explain it all to you later, but right now I've got to---" Now she pulled back so that they were looking eye-to-eye, but kept her hands on Liz's shoulders. "Liz, they've got Alice. The Death Eaters, and. And we don't know where she is, and we're all at the house--it's like our headquarters--and trying to figure out what happened. But I can't stay here long, because they were after me, and they might still think they've got me, and they know our home---which is a long story and I'll explain later, but it's not safe here, and that's why I've got to leave quickly but that's why we can't help you plan." She took a deep breath paused to let that all sink in before continuing. "I'm so sorry, Liz."
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