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elizabeth f. fortescue ([info]ringmybell) wrote in [info]valesco,
Holy shit, she really had been hoping she was wrong about this secret thing. Liz let Lily tug her down, admittedly having been stunned into a frozen stupor at the idea that she wasn't being paranoid, that she wasn't being ridiculous in thinking that her friends were all involved in something that was going to make her want to scream.


She sat dumbly beside her friend, eyes as wide as quaffles. Liz was not going to bother trying to hide her concern or surprise; why would everyone be mad at Lily for not...showing up...somewhere? Where were all they? They had a meeting place? They were all at this meeting place, where Lily had to be back at soon, or else they'd all be mad at her. Well--she would be mad at her if she went back--well, no, but--it...

It was just not making any sense, and Liz shut her gaping mouth into a tight line, ready to hold her breath for something that seemed to be far more serious than her imagination had concocted. She didn't let go of Lily's hand, though, and was immediately reminded of when she'd finally spilled her secret about Evan and--everything. If Lily could sit with her through that, then--she could do it too. Hopefully.

Because if they were dealing with aliens or some crazy shit like that, she was totally going to freak out.

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