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Lyssandra Vance ([info]lysdexia) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-06-05 16:34:00

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Entry tags:lyssandra vance, santiago cervantes

All right, so she hadn't exactly meant to show up at Santiago's door, but when she'd apparated that's where she'd ended up. Right, that was her story and she was sticking to it. It wasn't like she couldn't go to Richard or to Priyaranjan, but Santiago seemed like he'd at least be the most sensitive about it even if he was the one who'd probably take it the worst.

Maybe that was the reason she wanted to tell him first -- just to get it over with. Besides, she had a sneaking suspicion that the other two boys already knew one way or another -- Richard was a sneaky bastard sometimes. She frowned, rubbing her hand over her face once more (Merlin, she was puffy and red and disgusting) before she lifted her hand up to knock. Lyssandra wasn't exactly sure what she was planning on saying once Santiago (if, if) Santiago answered the door, but it had to be better than freaking out privately.

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2008-06-06 12:29 am UTC (link)
"Santiago! Yelling at me is not going to make anything better!" She watched him melt against the wall and had to fight not to do the same -- she put a hand out and rested it against the wall so that she didn't and frowned at the man.

"It's not like he even cares! He accused me of -- fucking stealing his sperm or something fucking horrible like that -- who does that?" Lyssandra swallowed thickly and muttered something to herself that had to do with the one time she forgot half her potion because she'd been running out the door. It was obvious that she was very upset by the fact he'd accused her of doing this on purpose.

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