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Siobhán Kennedy ([info]maintains) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-06-04 18:04:00

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Entry tags:aland avery, roderick dearborn

Things had been progressing well. Or ... well, Roderick liked to think they were. He'd actually taken Aland to his real home (and not the one he went to when he felt he might've been being followed) and the man had been coming over more and more frequently. Despite the fact that it invaded his personal space, Roderick found that he didn't mind in the least. In fact, he'd started to relax around Aland.

It was a strange thing to think about. He stretched lazily on the couch and lolled his head to the side. Aland looked like he was about to pass out.

"Come on, the holo-film isn't that boring, is it?" Maybe Aland had just had a hard day at work - there was no telling, and Roderick rarely had the mind to ask past superficial things. No need to accidentally slip up to a stranger because he'd been learning too much about the other man. It would make people suspicious if he knew everything about him.

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2008-06-05 06:53 am UTC (link)
He knew that Aland wasn't going to lie to his brother. He was trying to avoid having to lie to his cousins and so far it was working rather well. Roderick shrugged and settled around Aland a little more while the man spoke right up until Aland asked him to get up and make something. He felt as if he should make some sort of vulgar joke about satisfying his hunger other ways, but refrained.

He was already aware that he was weird, after all. "Well, you could get her a job -- and do I look like a house elf?" He leaned in and nipped underneath Aland's chin with a slightly cheeky smirk.

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