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clutzy ([info]clutzy) wrote in [info]valesco,
She sighed and twisted her lips into a puckered frown, fidgeting with a frayed thread in her shirt as silence stretched between them for a while. He was probably stunned into silence by the stupidity of her rambling, she figured, and chanced a look back at him, pausing when she noted a troubled expression residing there in his dark eyes. His question was a simple enough one to answer, but the way he said it made her suddenly unsure, and her answer was just as hesitant as his inquiery. "...yes?" It was almost a question. Because, to be honest, the 'something else' that Jolene had suggested was nothing like the 'something else' that he was anticipating. In all honesty, she had been ready to suggest a game of wizard's chess or something before he started to act strangely.

They were not on the same page at all.

"Well, I mean..." Her cheeks colored as their conversation took such an awkward turn. She felt like he was testing her or something and couldn't understand why. "...only if you really want to. I don't want to do anything you don't want to."

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