Who: Santiago and Jolene
When: Uhhh nowish?
What: Awkwardly exploring that whole 'relationship' thing.
Where: Her flat.
Warnings: Doubt it.
Life was good to Jolene-Lucille. Sure, she might have contracted a potentially deadly virus. Sure, she might have been hospitalized for days on end with her very life hanging in the balance. But if it hadn't been for those Death Eaters and their sinister plotting, she probably never would have met Santiago. Or, you know, maybe she would have eventually, what with her track record of broken bones and sprained joints. But it was way more romantic to think that maybe it had been fate that had brought them together in the hospital like that, wasn't it? Definitely. Either way, though, it all worked out in the end. Their first date had gone rather well, in her opinion. She had only managed to bump into the busboy once at the fancy restaurant he'd taken her to, and had even avoided getting any of the food stuck in her teeth or anywhere else on her person. It was a good night. And the dates that had followed were lovely too, though admittedly some of those didn't go quite so smoothly (there was a duck somewhere in Muggle London that was still wondering just how it was alive after being chased by a dog and flying dead-on into her face).
Of course she had been afraid that, after witnessing her terrible lack of coordination and grace, he would split just like Logan did. But alas, the second and then the third date passed and he was still owling her regularly to see her, and she was finding that she could very well get used to this sort of thing. Especially the kissing. Which, ironically, was what they were doing at that very moment.
Seated on the couch in her two-story flat, Jolene had her hands wound into his hair, tracing lazy patterns across the back of his neck with the tips of her fingers while their lips remained connected. Her eyes were closed, long lashes parting only briefly so that she could slide her teal eyes to their corners to glare discreetly at Ares, who, since they had stumbled onto the couch some time ago, and not moved from her spot right there next to the couch, watching with ears perked and her head tilted dumbly to the side. She even tried to nudge to dog away with her foot when she thought he wouldn't notice, but to no avail. Damnit.
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