She fit into a tiny dress.
She fit into a tiny dress!
Liz had really, really, really been looking forward to being able to slip inside a little sexy number for the first time in months, she really, really had. And for a woman who'd just given birth five days prior, she looked rather good! The healer said sometimes that happens, if you're naturally small then--poof! Belly gone! And that's what had happened, mostly. Of course there was weight she'd gained, but still. Fitting into this bridesmaid's dress had been all that was on her mind for the past week.
Well---until Katie arrived, of course.
And now, as she tried to waltz or whatever with Ian, her daughter was the only thing she could think of. Did Alice have to pick a pink theme? Pink was for girls, and Katie was a girl and Katie was all alone with Ian's parents! All. Alone. Without her mummy!
The poor girl had been alive for five days and her mother was already abandoning her! OH, SHE WAS GOING TO GROW UP TO BE A SERIAL KILLER, OR SOMETHING!
"I should probably floo over for a second," Liz said, tilting her chin up to Ian with a stern expression, "She gets fussy when--you don't hold the bottle right."
Now, now she wasn't saying that Ian's mother couldn't hold a bottle, or feed a baby, because obviously she had with Ian and Ellie (unless she like--knew some secret magic spell that she hadn't taught Liz--oh, oh she better have oh God--), but Katie required a special touch.
That only her mummy could provide.
Therefore she needed to go home to her baby.
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