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t h e r e s e ❥ ([info]alongday) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-05-25 09:13:00

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Alice could now say she understood why people made such a fuss over weddings.

Well, no, not really---she would enjoy having the pictures with her friends, and dancing, but everything else was really unnecessary to her. Not that it was bad, no, no it was terribly fun to dress up and see everyone else dress up, but she had never been one to seek attention. And, really, that's all a wedding was, making sure everyone in the whole world knew that the bride and groom loved each other very much. Let's show you by wearing a big white dress and snazzy tuxedo!

No, no--they could just look back at the year Frank and Alice have had as a married couple, to understand what they meant to each other. Admittedly, it wasn't as stressed as some other's may have been, thankfully, but they still had made it. A lot of people don't even get to one year, and Alice was very, very proud of them.

Of course, their marriage might be over the moment Frank found out she helped a certain Slytherin sneak into their house last night, but Alice had faith in her husband; or, at least, she had faith in her ability to produce tears on the spot, and therefore confuse her husband into forgiving her.

Hey--to make a marriage work, you have to know how to survive.

With the party in full swing, Alice made her way through the crowd, thanking people for coming and accepting compliments and all the other things a bride-again was supposed to do. It was really nice, seeing all of her friends with happy, smiling faces, as it had been such a rough year. Maybe there was a reason for weddings afters all.

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