She didn’t even mind that someone was moving nearby, but when she heard that voice she froze in place. Her arm remained extended out towards some papers as her eyes widened before they looked up to see Antonin. It had been so easy, trying to avoid him, walking out of a room whenever he entered, or just taking a different route to her classes to avoid running into him, so this was the first time they had actually been in the same area and either of them had said anything to the other. Eventually, she blinked and looked down at the book he had just kicked over to her before she reached over to grab it, placing it into the pile of books and papers beside her. She didn’t say thank you, or really acknowledge that he had just helped her out, but just continued to pick things up, only to have a strong wind come in from the window to blow her papers away again.
Groaning, she leaned back from her kneeling position and sat down on her feet, watching as everything floated away. It wasn’t even gathering everything that was going to be hard, because a simple spell could probably gather everything together quite easily, but did this have to happen right here? Right now, in front of him? Her hands raised to push her hair away from her face, her jaw clenched with annoyance, knowing she would have to get up and grab everything while he was just standing there. It was either get up and move around, or sit there looking like an even bigger idiot not doing anything. So, standing to her feet, she dusted off her bell bottoms and moved over to bend her knees to pick up her work, feeling her cheeks get a little pink due to embarrassment.
This was really what she needed right now.
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