This wan’t amusing at all. Not being able to see who was kicking his ass was not something that Amycus necessarily enjoyed. The fact that whoever was hitting him was experienced didn’t help, since the spells and hexes that crashed into his body weren’t sent out by a novice wizard. No, whoever was holding that wand knew what they were doing.
He crashed into the ground, feeling the first spell hit him right in the center of his back, now on his hands and knees as he tried to hold himself back from yelling out because of the pain.
Once the spells wore off, he gripped tightly onto his wand and turned around, breathing heavily as he searched for his attacker. The splashing in the fountain drew his attention, and while he normally might have been in the frame of mind to think that it was just a diversion, he was pissed off and let his anger get to him, sending off a slew of spells in that direction before aiming them at the other side, hoping to at least his something. This one sided battle wasn’t working to his favor, and that just didn’t sit right with Amycus. Things had to change.
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