James had the fleeting thought that he should not feel such a surge of power at the fact that his opponent could not see him, but he grinned somewhat maliciously anyway, and came around the fountain, so now he was behind the death eater. Playing dirty was never--oh, who was he trying to fool? James Potter, king of pranks and mischief, this was where he bloody belonged. Especially since they'd decided to attack his home. James was sure his father would be out here, hurling spells and acting as if he's still on the auror force, and James could hardly blame him.
He shot a hurling hex at the death eater's back, followed by a quick volley of just--painful stinging spells. No, James knew that the death eaters showed no mercy, and he was past trying to fight honorably. He and his family and his friends had been hurt too much by these bastards to give them any sort of chance of escap.
It was hard not to shout out and taunt, but James knew that speaking when he didn't have to would give up his position. So, he had to keep moving, he couldn't stay in one spot, and to play a trick, he aimed at the water on the opposite side of the fountain, splashing it around.
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