Dominic was impressed, not that he would ever admit that. The fact that she had the strength to even attempt to roll out of the way, furthermore to throw up a shield or cast any spells at all was surprising and spoke a lot to her strength. He was going to have to be even more careful with this one than he thought. Not that he didn't think he could eventually beat her, but he was going to have a very difficult time of things indeed if he didn't watch himself. One second off guard and she could easily have him--not that he really cared that much, but it would be preferable to not be thrown in prison before he got a chance to see his future heir.
He scoffed under his breath at her half-baked attempt at a flame wall, which ended in a grunt as the action irritated his wound. With much effort, Dominic rose to his feet and sidestepped the stupefy, which was actually quite horribly off-target anyway. He made his way slowly over to her, wand still aimed at her as she stayed under the curse.
Dominic stopped when he was standing over her and took a moment to just watch her face as it contorted in pain. It was satisfying in so many ways, and a little more with each twinge he felt from his very bloody side. Deciding it was worth it, he exerted the energy to make an extra jab with his wand, which would increase the level of the curse. Yes, he definitely had a temper on him.
"I hope you're ready to die, you bitch," he hissed at her.
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