The shout had come from behind him--at least that's what Dominic thought, but he had only half heard the woman's voice over the loud snapping sound that was the neck of the Muggle he had pinned up against the nearest brick wall. He released his wand and spun around, allowing his victim to fall into a heap on the ground, and shot off a Cruciatus curse in the direction from which he thought he heard the voice. No sense in wasting time with nancy spells like some of his 'friends' (Selwyn was honestly the lamest person ever in Dominic's book when it came to stuff like this); if they were trying to disrupt him, then he could be sure that it wasn't another Death Eater.
The flash of red light bounced off the shield that the woman had cast up around herself. Dominic raised his brow underneath the mask. A woman? Well, wasn't that cute. "You don't know what you're getting yourself into, love," he called to her.
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