t h e r e s e ❥ (![]() ![]() @ 2008-04-30 16:29:00 |
Open Thread!
She pulled the invisibility cloak tighter over herself, taking in deep, steady breaths. The streets of Godric's Hollow were calm, still, not a person in sight as it was rather late; in the houses of the muggles in the area, you could see the telly flickering through the windows. Alice couldn't see the Order members hidden about the town, but she had a rough idea of where they were all located. It was strange to have the upper hand for once, but she knew it wouldn't last for long, no matter how pessimistic a thought. The tip to Dumbledore had arrived with a good amount of time before nightfall and had given the Order a lot of time to prepare for whatever was going to strike the small village.
James had been adamant about being one of those to go and find Sirius, but it was obvious that with his past relations with the death eaters that they couldn't risk it. Alice knew that Frank was eager to help as well, but it was finally decided on who was to stay and who was to go, and things would just have to deal.
Alice slowly made her way through a garden of one of the small cottages. She couldn't help but peer through the kitchen window, eyes softening at the sight of a daughter helping her mother was the dishes. These people were completely innocent; why had Voldemort decided to attack this village? Surely it couldn't be because wizards and muggles were living together, Hogsmeade was the only all-wizarding village and he'd already attacked there twice.
Quickly, she put up a ward on the houses' windows, feeling a guilt rise up in her at not being able to warn the family about what was to happen. She saw the flare of a spell before she heard it erupt, and Alice gripped her wand tighter, sending one last look toward the window before heading out into the starts of the fray.
[ooc] consensus says that we'll do both the thread and the ooc post; try and get your characters in, but if you can't, head back to the ooc post and relate what you'd like to happen there. Other people (with Order members/death eaters/aurors/etc) can tag to those comments with ideas they have, and so on. Have fun!
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