Ah, a challenge. Bertram did like those, and whatever he might've thought about Franzy, it wasn't like she ... was. Not that he was calling her a slag or anything. Nope.
But it wasn't like being easy was a bad thing according to Bertram Aubrey. He laughed when she stammered and set the book down on the table only to lean forward on his elbows again. "Something the matter? I wouldn't want you to swoon and end up with me on top of you, giving you mouth to mouth..." There was that cheeky smirk again. Yes, he was aware that she was engaged or something like that, but had that ever really stopped him before?
Definitely not. "And you know, Anneliese, I do try to keep most bints in the dark about what they're missing, but I might just make an exception for you."
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