Jolene :]
It would become obvious enough that Santiago was shifting his cases and moving up appointments for a reason. A few weeks ago, it could have been about Zacharias, but now with his nephew safe at home, Santiago was just hoping that the nurses and fellow healers didn't notice the times he was changing his rounds to, or the location of the patients he was visiting and checking up on.
Of course, Santiago made sure that all of this was legal. He did not want anyone to think that he was going around messing up schedules for no real reason, even though it was going to become painfully obvious that it was about a woman. Sue him---he'd never done anything like this before, so there was no track record to annoy him with.
The door to Jolene's room was open and thankfully empty save for the woman herself. Santiago had figured out quite quickly that she was the sister of one of the biggest quidditch stars in the game, and he did not want to have to deal with a giant of a man while he was trying to get into the good graces of his sister.
"And how are we doing today, Ms. Flint?" Santiago asked from behind his face mask, keeping his head down at his chart as he entered the room, and coming around the side of her bed. He fiddled with some of the floating x-rays beside her before looking down. Deus, even sickly she looked pretty (really pretty---this was going to get him in trouble), and Santiago turned to face her fully, but ended up knocking over the glass of water on her side table. He'd been so very clumsy these past few days! "Er---sorry."
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