Was she kidding?
Was she fucking kidding
Telling him not to come to Mungo's right after telling him that she had gotten the virus and actually expecting him to listen. Oh, that was brilliant. He sometimes forgot how funny his sister could be sometimes.
He had gotten the letter telling him that she was sick the opening night of Estella’s ballet, but the letter telling him even worse news came that day, right after he had put Marcus down for a nap. The owl that had been pecking at the window woke his son up, so not only did he have to deal with that, but he had to figure something out. He quickly owled Estella, practically begging her to watch Marcus since he had no other choice. He would have given him to his parents, or Finn, but he knew his Mum and Dad were already probably upset about their daughter getting a deathly virus, and Finn would probably wind up throwing Marcus out the window since he was particularly cranky that day. It was just like him to act up when Caden really needed him to be good. So, after dropping Marcus off at Estella’s, apologizing profusely for having to make her deal with him at the moment, and thanking her a million times for doing him such a big favor, he finally apparated to Mungo’s.
The nurses froze when they saw him, gawking as he approached them and asked where his sister was being kept. They didn’t respond at first, but made a weird vowel noise. Caden’s hands slammed down on the counter. “Listen, I’m not here for an autograph signing, I’m here to find my sister, so if one of you could do your fucking job that would be greatly appreciated.” They jumped and quickly started shuffling through files. Finally, one of them pointed down a hallway, told him the room number, and he started on his way, ignoring their warnings relating to how he shouldn’t go in there because the virus was contagious. At the moment, he didn’t care. He just needed to see Jolene.
When he got to her room, he stood in the doorway for a few minutes, staring in at his sister who looked so frail and weak, so unlike her usual bright and bubbly self. But her attention wasn’t on him. Her attention was focused on the Healer that was standing in the room with her. Naturally, this was where Caden’s attention drifted as well. His brow quirked and his arms crossed over his chest before he decided to speak. “Who the fuck are you?”
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