Darren's fists balled against the wall as she spoke. He didn't care if she went off and randomly snogged a bloke. Honestly. As long as she was in his arms come morning, he did not care. He'd snogged loads of women since their relationship had began and Devon knew that. She also knew that whatever the circumstances that his nights of parties might bring, the first kiss of the day would always be hers.
Now she was upset about Lydia of all people. Not one of his various clients and women between, but Lydia, who she had met before and had to know was no more than innocuous lust. He understood her reservations about the drug use, but this was just mad. Was she so insecure that she still hadn't realized that he was committed to her and only her? And bringing Aland into it. Did she honestly think that would hit a nerve? Aland was as harmless as a puppy.
"I don't give two shits about who you snog, Devon!" immediately shot back with a light beat of his fists on the wall. Regaining his composure, Darren relaxed the fists back to open palms. "You're the only one that means anything," he told her in sincerity though he couldn't see her hooded eyes which were shielded by her red locks. "The rest are nothing. They're not you."
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