Jamie stuck his tongue out at Maddox about the properlys but otherwise said nothing. Instead, he listened to his brothers, not really recalling the song or their mum playing it all the time. He wondered why that was when he could remember being a baby--not a whole lot, of course, but enough to say he could actually remember it. He supposed if he dug around long enough, he could unsurface all sorts of memories. Some, though, he wished he could bury forever. He wondered how repression worked and if one could willfully repress something or if that'd be suppression. It was an interesting thing to consider in his opinion, and he'd have to store that away for later when he could really consider and even research it without fear of coming across like he was in a daze and bored already or something.
"Talking dolls are creepy. Dolls in general are creepy," he said, nodding. "They just have those eyes that follow you everywhere and those really caricatured expressions." He shook his head. He really didn't like dolls. Some of them were ok, but mostly they just creeped him out and made his skin crawl.
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