Her nose pressed up against the window as she watched her parents make their way down the pavement. Miranda jumped off the window seat and attempted to silently make it around the room, slipping her feet into slippers, slinging her dress robes over her shoulders, and tying her hair up so that it wasn't the bird's nest mess it had been in for the last two weeks. One thing her mother had forgotten to tend to, but Miranda could definitely forgive her for that.
She opened the door to her room and looked up and down the hall before quickly stepping out and shutting it quietly behind her. Miranda had been banished to her room, with a little bell to ring and everything for someone to come and help, but she was definitely going out of her mind (and hadn't rung the bell once, her father had checked her temperature at least a dozen times, thinking it was an indicator she was sick again). Now, though, she'd heard voices, and she knew that all of her brothers were over---the hospital wasn't the same, she hadn't been with the three of them together since...well, okay, since Easter, but that was still a long time, for Miranda.
Hurrying down the hall on her tiptoes, Miranda turned the knob to Jamie's room and poked her head in, smiling lightly at the sight of her three brothers, the older two hovering over Murrie--Jamie (she really didn't know what to call him, these days) who looked--ugh, sick.
"Hiiii," she let out softly, entering. Ugh, her voice was such crap, sore and scratchy from not talking A really long time. One positive thing for people?
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