Sent to Mrs. Fawcett
Dear Mrs. Fawcett,
After many attempts of trying to right this letter, I've discover there really is no delicate way to put this, but I feel that despite the awkwardness of this all, that I should still make an attempt to contact you. From what I have gathered from some rather stalkerish photographs and shady paperwork, you are the mother of my brother's daughter. I don't know what happened between the two of you, but I can only assume that you might harbor some resentment towards him. I really couldn't blame you, but as he happened to be my twin, (its a long story, I'm sure you don't really care, basically, I try not to claim them) I would hate to have to run into you somewhere along the way and give you a fright. It's awkward enough when its just acquaintances of his.
let alone an ex---the mother of his --- the woman he stalked?---I suppose, considering all of this, I am not the sole heir to the estate anymore. You're daughter should have a right to it as well. I know that I am the last person you could possibly ever want to hear from, but I felt that you should know that I was around. I have no intentions of intruding in you life. I just-- you should know.
Also, there is this box of photographs of you and your daughter, some of which would be cute if you take away the circumstances in which they actually exist. I don't think you'd want them but---- Not sure what to do with all this stuff I found, I'll assume if I don't hear from you that I should just get rid of it all.
Cameron Montgomery
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