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α м ([info]mattias) wrote in [info]valesco,
Adrian's thoughts had been circling on how his wife could become quite prone to jealousy in situations that most certainly lend to it when Maggie spoke again, and he was thankful for a redirection in the conversation. He hadn't, however, been paying close attention to what she was doing, and only perked up from his slouched position in his chair when he felt his hand press against her stomach.


His eyes fell to where she had placed his hand, and quickly Adrian brought his gaze back up to Maggie's face. Despite her making it very clear, he still found himself needing second, third clarification of what she was conveying. A faint part of his mind thought that perhaps Maggie could be talking about Josef, because he was their son, too, but thankfully, after a few more beats of quiet reflection, Adrian ruled that out. So that only meant....

Suddenly, Adrian toppled his chair over as he jumped him from his seat. Bursting with excitement and joy, he cradled Maggie's face with his hands. He squeezed her cheeks, perhaps a bit too tightly, but he couldn't control himself.

"É mesmo?!" he cried, unable to control his slip. In the moment he forgot that he was in public, and most certainly forgot that they were surrounded by people that wouldn't care much his loud noises. But they were not having a baby boy, now where they?!

Promptly, Adrian burst into tears. Making more loud and fussing noises, he continued to hold Maggie's face. But wanting to be close to her, he quickly crouched down to his knees and turned to look up at her fondly.


"Esta é a notícia mais maravilhosa!!" Adrian bellowed, his smile wide from ear to ear.

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