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Kendall Jackson Broadmoor ([info]kjbroadmoor) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2014-06-05 11:02:00

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Entry tags:charles spinnet, delilah spinnet, group, joey jenkins, kendall broadmoor, liddie lynch, nora peakes, phoebe smethwyck

Party Thread, get those bingo boxes!

By the time the party was in full swing, there may have been a bit more than 'just the important' people milling about Thomas' backyard. Kendall was also just drunk enough to not care about the wrath that he was potentially incurring from his best friend. It had started out small enough, when he was still sober and cooking food. He had been grinning all afternoon and now that the sun was setting, even more people were showing up. There was a quidditch game going on, people swimming, dancing. He couldn't think of a better way to be spending his birthday.

Pulling himself out of the lake, he grabbed his towel to dry of his face as he made his way over to get another drink. He scanned the crowd quite pleased with himself, he couldn't remember ever throwing a party that quite like this. And last minute as well. His had a great team, great friends, a great thing going on with Anya. He couldn't remember the last time he was this happy.

Taking a drag of his drink, Kendall settled himself on the grass laying back to stare at the colors that were starting to paint the sky. He was looking forward to Charlie's fireworks, the phrase 'whatever you want, have fun' probably shouldn't have been used, but it was guaranteed to have spectacular results. It didn't take long before a there was shadow cast over him. "Oh hey, fancy seeing you here," he grinned as he tilted his head back to see who had joined him. Propping himself up on his elbows he nodded to empty stretch of grass next to him. "Enjoying the party?"

(ooc: Open to pretty much everyone? Lol if you can connect your character to Kendall by 3 people then its legit. Kendall's tag is up for grabs. :* Have fun get, dem posts.)

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2014-06-11 12:15 am UTC (link)
Joey was raising his hand to pull her down into a kiss before his brain could even catch up to exactly what he was doing. This was Phoebe Doge...Smethwyck? The last name didn't matter--not really, at this point. He and Phoebe had such a background. They'd went through the stress of every exam, every study session in Ravenclaw Tower leading up to those exams, the excitement of being named prefects for their year, being able to lead their school during seventh year...

For so long, Phoebe had felt like a sister to him. That fact didn't make what he was doing less enjoyable, but it had his mind racing considerably. But he'd been screwed over, she'd been screwed over...didn't they deserve this?

His fingers laced into her hair as he deepened the kiss, wanting to forget all the pain and stress he'd felt in the last few weeks.

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2014-06-11 12:58 am UTC (link)
It felt so good to be kissed. So good. Phoebe couldn't remember the last time she had been kissed so deeply, the last time she'd been touched out of affection. Elphias had put such a wedge between them their last few months that it was almost as if they didn't know each other and were just sharing a home as roommates and not husband and wife.

She had noticed how strong Joey was, but her comments on his arms had always been in teasing. Now she was reveling in how tightly he was holding her and it wasn't long before she was flush against him.

Merlin, this was a bad idea; somewhere in the back of her head there was a voice shouting about all the ramifications this could cause. When his lips moved to her neck Phoebe quickly shut down her thoughts. She was allowed to feel good without any guilt, and he was too.

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2014-06-11 01:32 am UTC (link)
Joey was hearing the same voices, trying to convince him that the last thing he needed to do was play mutual rebound with one of his best mates--but Merlin, he needed this. He needed the feel of her against him, something to take away the numbness and convince him that everything would be okay. Things hadn't felt okay in a month and it was killing him that his world had been completely turned upside down.

And he really needed everything to be okay. He shifted, setting the boat back in motion once again, as his hands dipped under her shirt and his lips continued to explore.

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2014-06-11 02:26 am UTC (link)
Could something feel frantic and still go smoothly?

Phoebe could not be bothered with the fact that relations with a quidditch player were severely frowned upon in her career, could not spend a second to think how terribly this could ruin her relationship with one of her best friends, and she most definitely would not waste any time worrying about her wayward ex-husband and what he might think. None of that mattered, and she was glad for that extra shot of something that she'd swiped off a table because it gave her the courage to do as she pleased.

In their perfect madness clothes had managed to be removed and positions switched. Phoebe's arms were draped around Joey's neck and she pressed her forehead into his to catch a breath, even if it was only for a moment. She kissed him quickly once more, a delicate concern coming to mind.

"I don't want to stop," she whispered, trying to catch his eye in the darkness, "we can, if you want---if you want."

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2014-06-11 02:42 am UTC (link)
If they had both been thinking rationally, there would have been mutual agreement on the front of this probably not being their best idea or finest moment. They both had their careers to think about and it was only a matter of time before this leaked out because someone caught them sneaking around or sneaking back or anything--regardless of their being at another Quidditch player's party.

He felt some shock in the fact that they'd managed to get to this point without tipping a boat or ending up in the water--holy hell, he needed to turn the Ravenclaw part of his brain off.

Joey's breath fell heavy as she spoke, trying to focus on exactly what she was saying--if he wanted--because she wanted? He bent down to kiss her again. "I don't want to push you if--"

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2014-06-11 09:26 pm UTC (link)
She really did adore being kissed. His lips seemed to clear up concerns she didn't realize she had, or, well, hadn't realized she cared about. With as much trouble as this bad decision could cause both of them, Phoebe was finding herself glad that it was Joey she was committing it with. Somehow she knew that things would end up all right.

With a smile, she pushed herself up and captured his lips in a kiss, signally that he was not pushing her in the slightest. Phoebe almost felt like she was pushing him. That was a riot, yeah?

Phoebe hummed happily into Joey's mouth. This was probably the easiest decision she'd made in ages, and she pulled him tightly to her.

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