By the time the party was in full swing, there may have been a bit more than 'just the important' people milling about Thomas' backyard. Kendall was also just drunk enough to not care about the wrath that he was potentially incurring from his best friend. It had started out small enough, when he was still sober and cooking food. He had been grinning all afternoon and now that the sun was setting, even more people were showing up. There was a quidditch game going on, people swimming, dancing. He couldn't think of a better way to be spending his birthday.
Pulling himself out of the lake, he grabbed his towel to dry of his face as he made his way over to get another drink. He scanned the crowd quite pleased with himself, he couldn't remember ever throwing a party that quite like this. And last minute as well. His had a great team, great friends, a great thing going on with Anya. He couldn't remember the last time he was this happy.
Taking a drag of his drink, Kendall settled himself on the grass laying back to stare at the colors that were starting to paint the sky. He was looking forward to Charlie's fireworks, the phrase 'whatever you want, have fun' probably shouldn't have been used, but it was guaranteed to have spectacular results. It didn't take long before a there was shadow cast over him. "Oh hey, fancy seeing you here," he grinned as he tilted his head back to see who had joined him. Propping himself up on his elbows he nodded to empty stretch of grass next to him. "Enjoying the party?"