Greta yelped slightly, reaching out blindly with one hand to grasp anything that would stop her from losing balance and falling over. Something that appeared to be a shoulder saved her and her groceries from tumbling to the ground.
Jake Bexley's shoulder, as it turned out.
"Hello," Greta returned cheerily, smiling once recognition dawned on her. "Nice bumping into you." Belatedly, she realised she still held tightly onto his shoulder and released him when she saw the bruise marring his face.
Face crinkling with concern, she hitched the bag in her other arm so it rested more securely in the cradle of her arm. "Although it seems as if that wasn't the first time for you today."
The dark colour marked it as a fresh one, and, heedless of what might be considered personal boundaries for some people not her, Greta waved her finger at it. "That looks very painful." Particularly if no potion or salve could quicken the healing process.
She'd certainly teased Jake about being mysterious the other day, but she hadn't meant it quite so literally!
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