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timothy g. greengrass ([info]greengrasses) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2008-04-08 00:40:00

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Entry tags:adamina greengrass, timothy greengrass

who tim & mina
where: st. mungos
when: afternoonesque!
rating: pgesque
status complete!

Tim stood at the end of Adamina's hospital bed, hands on foot board with an amused grin on his face. Even lying sick in bed, he couldn't help but find something to smile about when looking at her, and Tim would even go out and say that she still looked rather pretty. Of course, her hair was all mussed up and she was sweaty with fever (or...glowing, or whatever women liked to call it), but Tim reckoned there was something endearing about it all. Endearing because the healers had told them that she wasn't sick with the fever that had been sweeping through the community, and Tim was sure that with the reassurance that it wasn't the same virus, Adamina would be able to beat this out, and he would be able to handle seeing her sick like this.

Her brother was a different problem, but Tim wasn't exactly concerned with Nick at the moment.

"I can't sneak you out of here, love," he said, eyebrows going high, "The healer's coming back soon with some more test results, so even if I could..."

His expression turned somewhat cheeky, and Tim put his hand to his chin thoughtfully, "Though sex in a hospital broom closet does sound interesting..."

He may have been grinning, but Adamina was glaring. Her arms were folded across her chest as she laid there and glared at him. It was intense, though after a while, it gave her a headache, so she had to unfurrow her brows. Yes, she had tried to bribe him with sex to get out of the hospital. She hated hospitals. She was scared with hospitals. If she wasn't sick, then why bother being there at all? That's what irked her. So it was just a fever that would go away. She could have gladly stayed in her bed at home, but no, she was dragged to the Death Star.

A huff was given as she looked away from him, contemplating what to do or say. Her brows were furrowed again as she became perplexed. Maybe she didn't say please before? Would that work? She looked at him with a sweet smile, or at least a conscience attempt at one. "Please, Tim? I'll make it worth the effort!" Her smile turned into a cute pout as she seemingly begged him to get her out of there. "Any broom closet. Pick one and it's yours!"

Tim came around the bed and sat in the chair he'd pulled over to her bedside. His look of amusement didn't fade, and he leaned in close, lips pursed as if ready to agree or say something she was going to enjoy hearing.

"Nope," he said, lips popping with the sound of the word. Tim straightened out with a grin, but his hands played with the threads of the blanket strewn across Adamina's body, keeping close. He was putting up a good act now (not really an act---), but bringing her to the hospital and leaving her for the healers to take care of, oy--Tim didn't know how he was still able to move and stand. The guilt wracking through him had been tremendous; he should've listened to Nick, he should've taken her earlier...but Tim had listened to his gut, and now that Adamina was sitting up and talking and not dying like they had feared, then...well. He had been right. Mostly.

Her shoddy immune system didn't help anything, though, so Tim knew they were going to have to deal with occasions like this in their future, but...he was ready? No, he'd never be ready for trying to accept the fact that his wife may never get better, but at least he had some experience. "So, what do you think you have? Some bug from the Amazon? Have you been messing around with strange jungle men?"

Hearing him say no, Adamina looked away from him and up to the ceiling. Now that was just rude. Her own husband wouldn't help her escape from the hands of healers who could diagnose her with something she didn't have! She had enough of hospitals in her life and she sure didn't want to have to deal with them again. At least he was quiet now. She turned her head and glared. It wasn't a cute glare and a playful one, she was cranky that she was all pent up in this hospital bed when they already ruled out that she didn't have what everyone else had! This was ridiculous!

At least Nicky would be happy that Tim took her to the hospital. However delayed it may have been, at least he did it, right? Now she was bored and tired and wanted to go home and lay in her own bed with her husband and with her bunny. No dog, so she slept with a rabbit. "Tim, I want to go home," she looked at him, sad, big eyes that begged. And damn, did she ever want to go home. She felt like she was nine years old and trapped in there without anyone around to help her out. Now Tim was there and he wasn't helping her.

She sighed and looked away at his question. "Yes. His name is something I can't pronounce and I've been keeping him in the closet by the kitchen." If anything, she hoped she had an amazonian disease, at least it would make for a better story than the truth

Tim let out a hearty laugh, and was about to retort that he was going to use a few good demolishing spells on the closet when Adamina's healer came in, a great big smile on his face. Tim sent a 'look' at Adamina, something along the lines of 'I wonder what he was doing before he got here' and then back up at the healer. Ryan had told him horror stories of some of the meaner healers in the hospital and was quite glad they'd ended up with one that wasn't spewing fire from their mouths.

"Mr. and Mrs. Greengrass?" he asked, even though Tim had been talking to him for the past few days. He refrained from rolling his eyes, however, and just kept looking up expectantly at the healer. "I've got some good news! Adamina's fever isn't caused by a virus or bug---"

"Huh--" Tim managed to let out, but the healer continued on with his merry tone,

"Congratulations, you're having a baby!"

The words rang as if there were church bells bellowing between his ears. Tim couldn't help but gawk at the man, mouth open wide, and he turned to Adamina, his eyes the size of quaffles.

Adamina would have got him right back about the closet, but when the healer came in, she looked at him instead, waiting to hear whether or not she was dying of allergies or not. She guaranteed that it was allergies! It had to be, though, Nick was right, she wasn't allergic to anything.Speaking of Nick, she needed to owl him when she got home, remind him not to kill her husband.

As the healer began to talk, Mina looked over at Tim just as he looked at her. Then he said he had good news. So she wasn't dying! She wasn't terminally ill! This was really good! And then as soon as he cut Tim off and said the news, Adamina sank into her bed, probably through the mattress, had she tried hard enough.

"Are you sure it's not allergies?" she asked, dumbfounded and completely shocked. They were .. pregnant? She was pregnant? Addy wanted to bury her head in her hands and cry with joy. But first, she needed confirmation. It could have been allergies.

Tim was sure that the expression on their faces was making the healer feel more than a bit awkward. But how couldn't they look shocked? It had literally been months since they'd been trying to get pregnant, and with all the hullabaloo that went about it, Tim had been sure it was never going to happen, even though it was a bit dramatic to be thinking. It was just---good things like this, Merlin's beard, they just didn't happen in such rapid progression to him, so Tim was having a hard time believing that, yeah, they were having that baby they'd been talking so happily about, it wasn't just a dream they kept making more and more vivid---

The healer squirmed and then cleared his throat, looking down at the chart once more before nodding.

"Yes, yes, because of Adamina's poor immune system, her body took the changes a bit harshly, but, with lots of rest---she should be fine."

She should be fine---pregnant, she should be fine while she was pregnant, and Tim wasted no time in putting his hands around Admaina's shoulder to pull her close and kiss the side of her face, one hand going to her hair to bring her as tight to him as possible because---they were! They were having a baby, and it was the best fucking feeling in the world.

Adamina continued to stare in shock. This couldn't be right, they had been trying for months and nothing. Not even a little clue that she would be getting pregnant. She had actually convinced herself that they would probably end up adopting a little baby from Africa with flies all over the face. But no! She was pregnant and she didn't need to adopt anything with flies! She blinked, taking it all in, still trying as hard as she could to sink through the mattress. It was such a strange feeling, finding this out. Adamina was probably beyond shock and nearing coma mode.

When Tim pulled her to him, she finally turned her head and looked at him after he kissed her face. "Tim," she said, quietly, still a little astounded at the news. "Tim. I'm pregnant. We're having a baby." Adamina certainly wasn't used to this yet, but in time, she knew she would be. Her hand met the side of his face as she rested her forehead against his, finally, a smile cracking through her fever ridden face. She still didn't believe it.

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