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t h e r e s e ❥ ([info]alongday) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2014-04-13 16:42:00

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Holding onto the strap of her bag, Therese examined the entrance to the alley that led to Knockturn Alley. Her toe dug into the ground as her leg rocked back and forth, taking her next steps into consideration. There was never a good tale to tell when you entered Knockturn Alley, but it was really her only option. She liked to consider herself a woman who could take on her own adventures, but there was always a strange, nearly howling breeze that came out of Knockturn.

Her shampoo was not that important, was it?

It sounded silly even thinking it! But! Matilda Rowle had always provided her with a special brand that was widely regarded amongst the veela population, something Therese had believed would cause her hair to fall out the moment the concoction touched her scalp. Therese had very little veela blood, but her mother had always commented that her hair was a gift from her ancestors. Right. In any case, the shampoo (and conditioner!) had been something she'd sworn by since leaving Hogwarts, and--she felt a twisting guilt to use something other than the brand that Matilda had found her for.

Merlin, this was a stupid argument she was having with only herself. She was a grown woman, a former Slytherin! There was nothing to be nervous about. Therese straightened her shoulders and took the first few steps into Knockturn. She lifted her chin; she'd be in and out, that was all. People came in and out of here all the time.

This little errand would go perfectly fine.

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