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Savannah Davies ([info]jot_it_down) wrote in [info]valesco,
Savannah groaned dramatically as she practically skidded to a halt, only a few paces behind Carys. “Must you-… make everything-… a competition…?” she said between heaved breaths. She went running every morning, but she was equally as competitive as her best friend, which meant she didn’t like losing. When she saw the shorter woman take off into a sprint, she had done the same, but had trouble admitting defeat. She already knew the answer to her own question, straightening up from her position of being hunched over with her hands on her thighs, getting into a normal breathing rhythm as her heart beat returned to normal.

“You have to admit, for not being a professional athlete, I keep up pretty well,” she said with a waggle of her brows, pretty damn proud of herself despite having lost in their mad dash for her front door. “And don’t give me that crap about my legs being longer than yours and having an advantage,” she warned with a point of her finger, taking the steps two at a time in order to get to the door, unlocking it to let them both inside.

Carys’ question caused Savannah to look at her over her shoulder. “Do I have the food ready? Do you realize who you’re talking to?” She asked incredulously, giving her a smirk. It was warm inside, and she removed her sweatshirt, tossing it onto the couch before going into the kitchen to grab the two breakfast plates she charmed earlier to stay hot and protected. She served some egg whites with pancakes and turkey bacon, pulling the maple syrup out of the cabinet. “I'm so hungry I think my stomach is actually eating itself,” she commented as she filled two glasses with water, placing one in front of Carys before unceremoniously dropping down into her own chair.

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