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t h e r e s e ❥ ([info]alongday) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2014-03-29 22:09:00

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Entry tags:cameron montgomery, therese bonaccord

It had taken a few weeks, but she had finally found the perfect place to write. Her office was where work happened, not creativity, her flat had not been a place she wanted to be in quite some time, so it had taken her a bit to find a place where she didn’t feel overwhelmed by her surroundings. The public Atrium of the Ministry had it’s hustle and bustle with the fire places and ever moving flow of ministry workers, but tucked away in nooks of the grand entrance way were tables where people met for lunch, tea, coffee, and to rant about the supervisor that they wanted to splinch on their next work endeavor.

Therese had a particular table that had been good to her muse. She still was working out the…kinks to her story, but since Remy had told his side of the story without her permission in his , it felt good to hers out. Not that---she wasn’t particularly sure where it was going, which was why her outlining process was taking this long and---

She paused, a frown crossing her face. There was someone at her table. Someone was hindering on her creative outlet. Therese contemplated turning around and finding another table, but she knew she would spend the whole time boring holes into the back of this man’s head and hoping some wordless magic melted him on the spot. She shifted her bag on her shoulder and tossed her hair over her shoulder. She could get this table back.

“Excusez-moi, monsieur,” she said, dropping into the seat across from him. He seemed lost in his documents. “Excusez---”

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2014-03-31 05:47 pm UTC (link)
Cameron allowed his lips to curl up ever so slightly as she introduced herself, pleased not to hear any condolences. Or any questions requiring him to elaborate. "Cameron Montgomery," he offered taking her hand and giving it a polite shake.

"Normally, I'm much more polite, but all of this has seemed to have gotten the better of me." His fingers tapped along the edge of the papers. There was no way he could burden this woman he had just met with everything. The only reason he had told Nicola anything was because he was being bitter and feeding her gossip made him feel a little bit better. Or at least it had in the moment, now he almost wished he hadn't said anything.

Though what else could he say. Any attempt to explain why he was here was fodder for gossip. Or basically just being alive at all.

"I thought you were French." It was a dumb thing to say. Clearly, Therese was French, but it was the only think his mind had latched onto that he could comment on. "I mean, I just--" he felt like an idiot, as if he had lost any ability to talk about anything other than his strange situation. Not that his social skills were all that great before. "I meant, its a surprise to hear that you had gone to Hogwarts."

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2014-04-01 02:39 am UTC (link)
She laughed, not at him, but his confusion was amusing. "I am, half. I grew up in Paris, but my mother, she attended Hogwarts and wished for her children to do so as well."

Though Therese found herself often bitter about her parents' choice of school, she did have many things to take from Hogwarts. The few friends that had stayed close, her coveted internship at St. Mungo's would have been much harder to get, so...so perhaps she now did not resent her mother so much. Perhaps. Therese still felt like an outsider at times, but she could blame that on herself, truly. She needed to stop living in the past.

"I refused to speak much English until I came to school," she admitted, waving her hand a bit around her mouth to explain her accent, "or even during. My brother is much better at hiding his accent, but, I do not see the problem." She would not have said that as a the crying first year she had once been, but she had grown.

"Your accent is much more curious than mine," she said, folding her hands over her notebook. Therese did not feel that she would be getting much writing done today.

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2014-04-01 06:01 am UTC (link)
Cameron's smile grew at Therese's laugh. Everything about this trip had been so stressful, and so far everyone he met pitied him. Or hated him for inheriting such an estate, having had nothing to do with the family. He didn't realize how long it had been since he had been in the company of someone who laughed. The sound made him relax a bit into his chair as he listened to how she ended up at Hogwarts.

Hogwarts. He had gotten a letter when he turned eleven. Must of one of those things that his father just couldn't erase him from after he shipped him off to live with his aunt. How he begged his Aunt to go to Hogwarts. It sounded amazing a dream come true for any eleven year old boy that had been told he was wizard. To go to a boarding school in England to learn magic.

Now he understood why his Aunt refused, insisted that he go to the 'just as good' school in New York, but then. Thirteen days and seven hours he didn't speak a word to Margaret when she told him no and not dare ask again. He kept the letter though, just in case she changed her mind. Cameron was sure if he looked, he could still find it.

"My accent?" Cameron's grin grew enough a dimple formed in his cheek. He knew he sounded southern. He got his share of teasing over his drawl in school, but nothing quite like how people over here reacted. "I grew up in South Carolina with my Aunt. Nothin' exotic or curious about that, and not nearly as nice as yours." Pushing his documents to the side, he debated his next question. His curiosity burned, and he felt he owed his eleven year old self a bit of satisfaction.

"What was Hogwarts like?" He asked before he talked himself out of it. "Worth giving up speaking French?"

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2014-04-03 01:33 am UTC (link)
She blushed slightly and waved him off. It had taken Therese many years to not be embarrassed about her accent while living in England, and tried to hide her nerves behind scowls and sour expressions. It was a wonder she made any friends at Hogwarts, or how she'd kept them after they'd left the school. She wished she'd done a better job. Who knew how different her life would've been if she had.

"Hogwarts was...the best time of my life," Therese said thoughtfully, twirling her quill between her fingers, "but I did not know it, until now."

She lifted her shoulder in a small shrug. Mackenzie and Adamina were still close and dear to her heart, but how many of her friends had fallen out of her life, or had passed on? It was so sad to think that such a...pointless war had taken the lives of so much potential. Even after the war was long gone, there were still casualties. Therese was grateful to have had a reconciliation with Matilda before the virus took her; the guilt of not settling petty differences would have eaten her up alive.

"You spend seven years immersed with your classmates and professors inside the castle, it becomes its own world, it---there is never a dull moment, everything is so important, and then you leave and..it's not, any more." Therese lifted her gaze from her parchment and blinked a few times. "I am sorry, that was probably not the sort of response you were looking for..."

"It is the most magical place on earth, where quidditch rules and the pumpkin juice is the best you've ever tasted; how does that sound?"

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2014-04-03 07:51 pm UTC (link)
“No no, that’s exactly what I wanted to hear. It’s honest.” Cameron sat back in his chair, Hogwarts was a castle and that was beyond exciting, because he had always imagined that it would have to be an ancient old building you could only find in a country more than 200 years old. He would have enjoyed going to school in a castle. Everything else she said, well that was school, wasn’t it. You spend all these years thinking that certain things are the most important--

Well Cameron never enjoyed school very much. He loved learning about magic and anything related to it, but as far as his classmates went. Well he just never seemed to fit in quite right. It was nice to hear that Hogwarts probably wouldn’t have been much different. He spent so much time wondering how his life would have been different had he gone to Hogwarts, then he found out about his twin and wondered how his life would have been different had he known his brother. Cameron kept learning things about himself and then wasting time trying to figure out how it would have changed his past, now that all he had left was the future, he didn’t know what to do with it.

“I get that. Spending ages thing something is so important and then suddenly-- it not. Not in the way you thought it was, at least.” He bit his lip slightly, looking away across the atrium, debating his next words. He couldn’t keep delving into the past, if he had any hopes of moving forward, so he pushed the thought out of his mind.

“I’m not quite sure what pumpkin juice is, but if you say its the best, well I’ll have to take your word for it.” Cameron said instead, smiling once more.

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