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adorkable ([info]adorkable) wrote in [info]valesco,
“No no, that’s exactly what I wanted to hear. It’s honest.” Cameron sat back in his chair, Hogwarts was a castle and that was beyond exciting, because he had always imagined that it would have to be an ancient old building you could only find in a country more than 200 years old. He would have enjoyed going to school in a castle. Everything else she said, well that was school, wasn’t it. You spend all these years thinking that certain things are the most important--

Well Cameron never enjoyed school very much. He loved learning about magic and anything related to it, but as far as his classmates went. Well he just never seemed to fit in quite right. It was nice to hear that Hogwarts probably wouldn’t have been much different. He spent so much time wondering how his life would have been different had he gone to Hogwarts, then he found out about his twin and wondered how his life would have been different had he known his brother. Cameron kept learning things about himself and then wasting time trying to figure out how it would have changed his past, now that all he had left was the future, he didn’t know what to do with it.

“I get that. Spending ages thing something is so important and then suddenly-- it not. Not in the way you thought it was, at least.” He bit his lip slightly, looking away across the atrium, debating his next words. He couldn’t keep delving into the past, if he had any hopes of moving forward, so he pushed the thought out of his mind.

“I’m not quite sure what pumpkin juice is, but if you say its the best, well I’ll have to take your word for it.” Cameron said instead, smiling once more.

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