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t h e r e s e ❥ ([info]alongday) wrote in [info]valesco,
She laughed, not at him, but his confusion was amusing. "I am, half. I grew up in Paris, but my mother, she attended Hogwarts and wished for her children to do so as well."

Though Therese found herself often bitter about her parents' choice of school, she did have many things to take from Hogwarts. The few friends that had stayed close, her coveted internship at St. Mungo's would have been much harder to get, so...so perhaps she now did not resent her mother so much. Perhaps. Therese still felt like an outsider at times, but she could blame that on herself, truly. She needed to stop living in the past.

"I refused to speak much English until I came to school," she admitted, waving her hand a bit around her mouth to explain her accent, "or even during. My brother is much better at hiding his accent, but, I do not see the problem." She would not have said that as a the crying first year she had once been, but she had grown.

"Your accent is much more curious than mine," she said, folding her hands over her notebook. Therese did not feel that she would be getting much writing done today.

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